Saturday, February 26, 2011

where have you been?

hello readers!!

where have i been?? for all of you out there in the internet world, i have been regaining my routine to working out, and just trying to find my place in what i eat. honestly, i have been struggling with what i eat. i occasionally go to fast food and actually find my self turning the car around and heading back home. i have done this twice in the past week. i really want chipotle except i hate the fact it will make me sick. that's why i don't end up going. in working out news, i have been to the gym this week 4 times and i am really digging the routine again. i recently upped the distance and am up to 3.71 miles. today i actually set a record on my sensor because i went so far. YAY ME!!

I WILL try to update this more often and we will see how my weight loss goes!